Friday, 4 October 2013

Getting to know Jimmy Nevis

Jimmy Nevis is a young and vibrant student who has made a huge splash in the music industry lately. His sound is of an international standard, locally bread from the Mother city, Observer took some time to get to know Jimmy a little better, behind the music.

What are your best tips to pulling an all-nighter.
Get coffee (not an energy drink) and get a friend as well so that you not alone. Work with breaks every hour or every hour and a half.

Where do you see your music developing into in the next 5 to 10 years?
Internationally across the globe, having covered multiple genres.

Does your coloured roots influence your music in any way?
I think more the cultural aspect as oppose to the racial aspect - i think my childhood, community and life experience all contributes towards my sound.

What's the 3 thing you never leave the house without?
My cellphone, laptop and bank card

What are your favorite hobbies, or activities away from University and music?
Swimming, braai-ing, going on vacation.

How do fellow students react to you now, especially those who run into you for the first time?
It's mainly first year students - they often look a little shocked at first but then they come around afterwards.

Still single? What are the traits you look for in a partner?
Confidence and a good self-esteem, an understanding towards my career

 What makes you different from the other young South African musicians, besides the type of music you make?
I think I'm very involved, I write, produce, plan and arrange my own music. I edit some of my own videos and I’m generally just a part of every sphere there is.

Who are some of the artists who inspire you?
Coldplay, Mi Casa, Rihanna, Jamie Cullum, Drake

What are your plans for the end of the year and into 2014 that fans should look out for?
I have a show happening in September 20/ 21 at Baxter hall in CT. I'm also featured on many tracks including Mi Casa and pascal and Pierce. I'm also dropping new videos and maybe even a brand new single.

Have you considered going on tour and where would you like to go?
I think I'd really like to get South Africa under my belt first and then take over other countries in Africa. I'd also love to tour Europe. I feel a strong connection to their interest in music. I'm loving a lot of the acts to come out of the UK and France at the moment.

Indoors or outdoors?
Indoors – fire

How would you describe your fashion/style?
Inspired by my emotions. Very simple.

How has faith influenced the decisions you make in life?
I base every decision on it. It is the influence that really counts.

In addition…
Just a thanks to all the supporters and music lovers out there!! Mad Respect.


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