Monday 23 April 2012

UJ Arts makes Great Music

This year has seen many new performances lined up at the UJ Arts Centre. With a fresh new twist on its list of musical entertainment, the Arts centre has set up a programme for the finer and more soulful and relaxed moments in life.

With an array of Jazz as well as Classical pieces that will be performed by many different artists throughout the year, these performances provide a perfect way to end any busy day with its rich and stimulating music. Having some familiar notes intertwined each performance will have you leaving the hustle and bustle of Jo’burg at the door.
These are culturally enriching performances which see audiences range from a more mature audience to those younger souls who share the great appreciation for good music.
With a great glass of wine or just some juice in hand, falling into the embrace of the swift and slow motions of the instruments, bringing you back to fonder times and reminds you of the finer things in life.  

Tickets and programmes are available at the Arts Centre and at the door, there are some of those moments that you just don’t want to miss out on.

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